$19.95… Less than 70 cents a day can buy you termite protection, for most homes, for the year. After BPC has completed the inspection and initial treatment for your home you are eligible for this annual Control Service Agreement (CSA) for the coming years.

This is what you get.

Once a year, WE call you to schedule an appointment for a search and destroy patrol for termites on your residence. You get a detailed report on our findings. Termites (if any) are treated at this time.

At any time during the contract duration, if you have questions or see something suspicious, free unlimited trouble calls. If you even have a dream that you have termites, we’ll come running. With a smile.

You have a detailed report noting any termite damage or fungus damage or other findings we think should be addressed. With prices. You can budget repairs as needed. Our expert and friendly staff are prepared to complete work according to your schedule.

$19.95. Wow. Call Us!!