If you think you may have termites, do not panic! In most cases, significant termite damage will not occur in a short period of time. But do not delay your decision indefinitely; damage has already started and termites will continue to cause damage.

NPMA - National Pest Management AssociationFirst of all, verify that the firm you select is a member of your state pest management association and the National Pest Management Association.

Compare written proposals. Seek value, but avoid making decisions based solely on price. For example, a firm which does a careful survey, and can (will) show you the pest, location and extent of damage before they quote a price is more apt to do an effective job than another, even if the second firm’s price is 1/3-1/2 lower. You usually get what you pay for.

Ask friends and neighbors to recommend a firm that they have been satisfied with in the past. Check with the Better Business Bureau for company performance records (complaints).

To learn more about how we can develop a termite management plan best suited to your situation, contact BPC Pest Control today.